Meet our Horses


 "Have Star Will Shine"

Age: 26

Color: Chestnut

Breed: QH

Gender: Mare

Height: 15 hands



Age: 24

Color: Bay

Breed: Morgan

Gender: Gelding

Height: 15 hands



(1997 - January 23, 2025

A friend, family member, confidant, caregiver, teacher, and loved one to so many at Circle of Hope for over 20 years, Papa never considered his time there a job, but as his chance to protect and care for each and every one of his riders, his volunteers, and his instructors.  You could tell in his nickers, his face, and his strut that he was proud to carry that mantle. His full name was Papageno, but he preferred Papa.

Beyond his huge heart, he was a deeply silly goose who made sure to never let you leave without a nuzzle, and the requested treat tax.  His best four-legged friend ‘Lucy’ will undoubtedly be needing some extra love and cuddles during this difficult time, so all hugs and treats will be welcome.

Want to read more about Papa? 

Buy WALK ON PAPA by Kay Pine 


"Fool's Gold"

  (- March 3, 2018)

Shamrock came to us in 2001 and was an integral part of the Circle of Hope program. He served our participants with a sweetness and understanding of the needs of each rider.  Shamrock was living a wonderful retirement thanks to Lorraine and David.  Shamrock will be missed by everyone at Circle of Hope. We will be forever grateful! Our hearts are heavy. Good-bye “little man”. He is running through the fields with Papa, Zoe, Sam, Casper and Lady.


1997 – December 2013

Casper came to us in September of 2011 and has been an integral part of the Circle of Hope program. He served our participants with a sweetness and understanding of the needs of each rider. He had tremendous patience and helped so many learn to ride or to just enjoy his smooth movement. Casper took care of his riders and has been a gift we will greatly miss. Casper was 16 years old. Casper will be missed by everyone at Circle of Hope. We will be forever grateful!


"Grey Dawn"

(1985 - December 5, 2008)

2003 PATH International Region 2 

Horse of the Year


Zoe was our first therapy horse and had been the backbone of our program for almost 10 years. She served our participants with a gentleness and understanding that was treasured by all. Although she was ‘our big girl’, she had the unique ability to know just what her riders needed, young or old, big or small. She had great patience and understanding. She helped so many learn to ride and taught others to just enjoy her smooth and easy movement. Zoe took care of her riders calmly and joyfully. She has been an invaluable partner. Zoe was 23 years old. Zoe will be greatly missed and mourned by the instructors, riders and families of Circle of Hope. We will be forever grateful that she was a part of our lives. 


"Sam I Am"

(1985 - May 16, 2008)

Sam had been an integral part of our program for many years, serving our participants with a gentleness and understanding that was treasured by all. She had the uncanny ability to know when her riders needed a little more patience and understanding. She helped calm the fears of the fearful, balance the unbalanced, and accepted us just the way we were. She allowed us to dress her up for the holidays, draw on her with chalk, and give her sloppy chocolate kisses. She has been an invaluable partner. Sam took care of the riders calmly and almost joyously. Thank you for your service to our program. We believe that Sam was 23 years old. Sam will be greatly missed and mourned by the instructors, riders and families of Circle of Hope. We will miss you!