
You can make a real difference in the lives of children and adults with disabilities by making a financial or in-kind (goods and services) contribution to Circle of Hope.

 Nearly every gift can be tax deductible!

TopGolf Fundraiser  Event Sponsorship Opportunities are available HERE! 

To Donate Money to Circle of Hope, click the "Donate Now" Button or use any of the following methods:

PO Box 463 

Barnesville, MD 20838

Tip: Using the donate now button directs you to our square store where you have the option to set up a reoccurring monthly donation! 

Not sure how much to give? 

Any amount is appreciated! Below are some of the costs the we incur on a regular basis: 


Individuals can volunteer on a regular basis during out therapy session or by assisting with marketing, grant writing, event planning, fundraisers and more!

Another option is to reach out to friends and family on behalf of Circle of Hope to ask for donations - one of the best ways to do this is by creating a Facebook fundraiser! 


In the past we have had groups come out to do special projects or a day of service at the farm. Another option could be volunteering at one of our larger fundraising events, or simply designating us as your "Charity of Choice" during your next special event or member meeting. 

If this is something that interests you please reach out to our executive director Lesley (  

Small Businesses & Corporations

Head over to our Supporters page and check out the great business we have been working with! 

Ready to discuss details? Reach out to Maggie (

Download the e-book 

Walk On Papa 

by long-time friend and volunteer Kay Pine

Additional Resources for Giving

About a penny will be donated each time you do a search

Join Giving Assistant now to shop, save, and support Circle of Hope. 

Easily donate 3-30% of purchases from stores like

 Bed Bath & Beyond, Sears, and Macy's.

For additional questions about donations please contact 

Lesley Shear - Executive Director